Security Manual for Safeguarding Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference

The Security Manual for Safeguarding Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference (Doc 8973 – Restricted) assists Contracting States in implementing Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention by providing guidance on the application of the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) found in the Annex. Annex 17 and Doc 8973 are constantly being reviewed and amended in light of new threats and technological developments that have a bearing on the effectiveness of measures designed to prevent acts of unlawful interference. The Seventh Edition of Doc 8973 (2010) is comprised of the following five volumes.

  • Volume I — National Organization and Administration is intended for the appropriate authority and provides guidance with regard to the development and implementation of a national legal framework and the oversight responsibilities of a State as they pertain to aviation security. This volume contains guidance related to legal aspects, international cooperation and additional security measures such as the establishment of a national civil aviation security programme, management of a quality control programme, procedures for handling sensitive information, and the deployment of in-flight security officers and armed personnel;

  • Volume II — Recruitment, Selection and Training is intended for any entity responsible for recruiting and training personnel involved in aviation security implementation. It provides guidance with regard to the national training policy and national civil aviation security training programme including the recruitment, selection, training and certification of security staff, as well as the selection and training of non-security staff and training development;

  • Volume III — Airport Security, Organization, Programme and Design Requirements is intended for the airport operator and any entity responsible for the design of airport infrastructure. It provides guidance with regard to organizational requirements, the airport security programme and airport design;

  • Volume IV — Preventive Security Measures is intended for all entities responsible for the implementation of an aviation security system. Among other things, it describes security procedures for access control, passengers and cabin baggage, potentially disruptive passengers, hold baggage, cargo and mail, aircraft operators, general aviation and aerial work operations; and

  • Volume V — Crisis Management and Response to Acts of Unlawful Interference is intended for the appropriate authority, airport and aircraft operators, and any other entity responsible for crisis management and emergency response. This volume provides guidance with regard to threat and risk assessment, contingency plans, the collection and transmission of information during an act of unlawful interference, and the subsequent review, analysis and reporting of any act of unlawful interference.

Requests for copies of the Seventh Edition of Doc 8973 and queries regarding available language editions (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) should be submitted directly to ICAO’s Document Sales Unit ( As distribution of certain volumes of Doc 8973 is restricted to authorized entities and individuals, sales are subject to approval by the designated authority for aviation security in each respective Member State of the Organization.

Source: ICAO Security Manual (Doc 8973) 



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